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My favorite part was the (official or not) preacher saying we need to Repent as individuals. YESS!

My least fave part was the mindless “pro-Life” foolishness that is helping destroy womanhood (thus ironically killing a lot of babies). The “feminist” attack on womanhood is quite literally part of a communist plot (really) to destroy America by destroying our morals. Today’s girls are taught to be sluts, young people’s books apparently cannot be published without some non-binary or other immorality in it. That makes a lot of “unplanned” pregnancies. Keeping or adopting out those children is better than tearing their heads off, but out-of-wedlock birth is still suboptimal. Children should be conceived in MARRIAGE in the first place. There was only a 3% drop in abortions after Roe was overturned—and now there are more than ever. Republican MAGA, Christian, candidates lost a lot of elections in 2022 and 2024, further degrading the nation. Safe, legal and rare—never mind the legal. Let’s make abortion RARE by promoting FEMININE VIRTUE!

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